Dragonball Frost: Episode 7: Dodoria and the Underdog.

Dragonball Frost: Episode 1: Welcome To The Frieza Force

Dodoria and Jeice both stepped into the arena, even if Jeice won this, he would be fighting Diaz next. Jeice took a deep breath, he didn’t need to freak out like Cui, he just had to stay calm and do his best.

Dodoria had been trained by a Salza Force member of the same species, and had become a notoriously strong fighter among the Frieza Force. The buzzer sounded and Dodoria dived towards Jeice, Jeice could barely keep up with his movements, he put his guard up and protected his face, Dodoria punched straight through Jeice’s block and knocked him towards the edge of the arena, before Jeice could fly to safety, Dodoria appeared above him and kicked Jeice into the ground, knocking him out of the arena.

Jeice had had the breath knocked out of him, he gasped for air as Ginyu ran over to help him up. “You’re alright buddy, you did well, that filthy thing is just on another level.”

Dodoria laughed from the stage, looking down at Ginyu. “It’s a shame you wont make it to the final, I’d show you not to name call your superiors.” Recoome and Lhyme walked to the stage, their fight was next.

Ginyu stood up and glared at Dodoria. “In less than 6 months in this army, I have doubled my power, give me another 6 months and I’ll be well and truely passed you.”

Recoome shoved Dodoria off of the stage as he prepared for his fight. He spoke in a loud voice, as if he had a mental disorder. “As if a PUny breNCH liKe yoU can live THat long in this aRmy.” Jeice grabbed Ginyu by the shoulder and dragged him away from the arena, Ginyu was making too many enemies, he would get himself killed very quickly.

As Ginyu walked back, he saw a familiar face in the crowd, a short green Bas, Ginyu recognised the fear on its face, this was the one he saw on his ship. He was wearing Frieza Force armour now, he must have stolen it so he could hide in plain view. Ginyu smiled at the little guy and beckoned him over with a finger. The Bas hesitantly moved towards Ginyu, Jeice watching in confusion. The Bas was shaking by the time it reached Ginyu, it spoke with a screechy voice. “Y-y-yes sir?”

“You hid aboard my ship when I wiped your species out didn’t you?” Ginyu glared at the Bas who screamed quietly. “P-p-please don’t dob me in, I’m not after revenge, I just don’t want to die, I’ll do anything, I can paralyse your opponent with my telekinesis.”

Ginyu smiled. “What’s your name little friend?”

“G-Guldo sir.” Ginyu chuckled to himself, with this little guy to help him, he could definitely get back at Salza. Ginyu turned around to see Recoome stomping on Lhyme, he hadn’t even noticed that the fight had started and it was already pretty much over.

Ginyu looked at Iru and smiled. “Make it subtle Guldo.”

Dragonball Frost: Episode 8: Ginyu Stacks the Odds

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