Dragonball Frost: Episode 8: Ginyu Stacks the Odds

Dragonball Frost: Episode 1: Welcome To The Frieza Force

Ginyu stepped into the arena with Iru ahead of him, Iru had a lower power level than Ginyu, but it was a good opportunity to test the abilities of his new buddy Guldo. The buzzer sounded and Ginyu stood in place as Iru walked towards him hesitatingly. Iru got close to Ginyu, noticing that Ginyu didn’t have his guard up, Iru decided to punch him. Iru froze in place with his fist just inches from Ginyu’s nose. Ginyu swiftly kicked Iru in the stomach, knocking him down. Iru groaned and started to get up. “What the hell was that!”

Ginyu laughed and walked towards Iru. “That was just a taste of my true power. You can’t even touch me unless I allow it.” Iru took another swing at Ginyu, again freezing in place as Ginyu laughed. Salza stood from his seat to get a better view, he had never seen anything like this, it had to be a trick.

Ginyu grabbed Iru by the arm and tossed him out of the arena, Iru focused his energy to fly, keeping himself from touching the ground. Ginyu threw one energy blast at him, it hit him and suddenly he dropped to the ground.

The crowd cheered, spectators chanted Ginyu’s name, they believed that he was really too strong for Iru to even touch. Salza quickly yelled over the crowd. “Congratulations to our top four! The semi finals will now begin! Dore vs Dodoria and Ginyu vs Recoome!” Ginyu confidently jumped down from the stage as Dore and Dodoria took their positions. The buzzer sounded and Dodoria immediately jumped backwards, landing outside the arena. Dore stared at him in confusion, everyone else was silent. Dodoria turned and pointed at Ginyu. “I want to fight YOU next round, and theres no way you can beat Recoome. Besides, I only need to finish third to make the Salza Force.”

Ginyu laughed and climbed back onto the fighting stage. “You’re going to be rudely surprised when you fight Recoome next round and don’t get to finish third.”

Jeice stood next to Guldo and watched as Recoome stepped into the arena. The buzzer sounded and Recoome dived at Ginyu, Ginyu stood confidently, waiting for Recoome to stop in place.

Ginyu didn’t even attempt to put his guard up as Recoome slammed Ginyu in the face, launching him out of the ring and into the crowd. Ginyu crashed into crowd members and Jeice turned to Guldo. “You didn’t do it, you tricked him into humiliating himself.”

Guldo froze in horror. “No! I swear, I did it. I don’t know why he didn’t freeze.”

Recoome laughed loudly at Ginyu. “LooKs like RecOOMe is tOo strong foR yoUR triCKs.”

Ginyu picked himself up off of the audience members that he had just landed on and wiped blood from his face. “I guess I underestimated you. Next time you wont be so lucky big guy.”

Ginyu walked over to Jeice and Guldo, he glared at Guldo. “You never told me somebody might be too strong for you to paralyse.”

Guldo shook his head. “No I tested it on high ranking warriors already, even Salza himself. Theres no reason that Recoome shouldn’t have been frozen.”

Salza stood up to speak to the crowd, he had a huge smile on his face. “Well that was short lived, now we have our final fights, Recoome will be fighting Dore, and following that, Dodoria and Ginyu will be fighting for the remaining spot on the Salza Force!”

Dragonball Frost: Episode 9: Elite Fighters of the Universe… The Salza Force

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