Dragonball Frost: Episode 14: Stop! Guldo Time!

Dragonball Frost: Episode 1: Welcome To The Frieza Force

Ginyu stared at Kazoo, the Namekian had basically given Ginyu permission to harm him, but bigger enemies were coming, and Ginyu knew that Kazoo was too valuable to let die. “Come with us, we can hide you.”

Kazoo shook his head. “I’m not afraid to die. I honestly just want to know my Pupil is safe.” They heard a loud crashing noise nearby, the Salza force had arrived, Ginyu ran outside to see Salza looking at the building.

Jeice, Guldo and Cui all backed up at the sight of Salza. “Well well well, if it isn’t the great Ginyu, what brings you to this backwater planet?”

Burter, Dore, Recoome and Dodoria all walked into view behind Salza, Dodoria playing with his scouter. “Area secure sir, its just the 5 here. Although Cui seems to be much stronger than he was before, almost 20,000.” The orange liquid had worked, Cui was much stronger than he had been before they left.

Cui stepped forward, walking towards Salza. “You were right about the Namekian, he opened right up to the group, showed them his secret.” Ginyu glared at Cui as Cui turned and smiled at Ginyu, he had used the group to get close to Kazoo.

Salza was here for Kazoo’s orange liquid, Ginyu didn’t want Salza gaining a further advantage over himself. Cui had brought Salza here, and he needed to pay. Ginyu completely forgot that all six of the men that stood before him were stronger than he was, he dived at Cui, eager to punish him.

Dodoria appeared between Ginyu and Cui and grabbed Ginyu by his neck. “Please, give me a reason to break you.” He laughed in Ginyu’s face, Ginyu started to remember that he had no chance of single handedly defeating any of these enemies.

Suddenly Guldo appeared in the air next to Dodoria and kicked him in the side of the head, Dodoria dropped Ginyu as he grabbed his head in pain. “Wh-where did you come from.” Dore fired an energy blast at Guldo, but again, Guldo vanished and appeared, standing on Dore’s head.

“He can stop time by holding his breath!” Cui yelled, immediately Salza pointed to Burter, basically instructing him to take care of Guldo. Burter moved as quick as a flash and kicked Guldo before he could respond, Guldo was punted into Jeice, knocking both Jeice and Guldo to the ground. Dore fell to the ground as well, also taking the force of Burter’s kick.

Jeice immediately noticed silence, as if he had gone deaf, he looked up to see that everyone was frozen in place, except Guldo who was getting up. “What the hell? Why aren’t they moving.” Guldo turned to face Jeice, his eyes wide in horror, never had he frozen time and had somebody still able to move. Guldo pointed at his mouth, signalling that he had to hold his breath, and Jeice quickly caught on. “Wait, you stopped time and I can still move! This gives us a huge advantage!” Jeice ran at Salza and kicked him in the face as Guldo stopped for air, Salza fell to the ground immediately.

Cui blasted Jeice with an energy blast, throwing him into a nearby tree. Ginyu jumped towards Cui, but Dodoria grabbed him by the leg and threw him into the ground. “Enough!” A booming voice was heard from the nearby building, as Kazoo stepped into the open. “I’ll give you the last of my secret liquid, on the condition that you let these three go.” Kazoo held out another 5 tubes of the orange liquid, Salza laughed loudly.

“What’s stopping us from just taking the liquid from you?” The rest of Salza’s men laughed with him.

Kazoo closed his large hand over the tubes, covering them, and glared at Salza. “Try it.” Salza and his men immediately went quiet, Salza pressed the button on his scouter to scan Kazoo’s power.

Salza stopped to think for a moment before nodding. “Dodoria, release Ginyu, they are free to go. Ginyu, take your men out of my sight.” Ginyu got up and looked at Kazoo, he stood firmly against Salza, who didn’t look like he was eager to fight. He threw the five tubes to Salza, who caught them easily. Ginyu looked back at Guldo who was helping Jeice get up off of the ground.

Ginyu walked over to Jeice and Guldo, but before they could leave, Cooler appeared above them. “The Namekian does not make any more demands. He either tells us how to make more of the orange liquid ourselves, or he dies.”

Dragonball Frost: Episode 15: A Cool Change

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