Dragonball Frost: Episode 27: Another Transformation?

Dragonball Frost: Episode 1: Welcome To The Frieza Force

Zarbon pressed the communication button on his scouter. “If anybody can hear me, I need somebody to come get me from this location, I have lord Frieza with me and you will all be sorry if he gets impatient.” Frieza was in no state to be impatient, he had to keep it quiet that Frieza had been injured so severely.

Dodoria was then first to hear the call, he started up Frieza’s personal ship and flew towards the ice planet, they would be able to fly straight from here to Namek and Frieza would be able to wish for immortality, Dodoria knew he would be rewarded greatly for this. They had to be fast though, that black Frost Demon seemed like he could kill them all.

Ginyu had snuck onto the ship, he wanted that body, he would be treated as highly as Frieza and his brother if he had it. He had left the rest of the Ginyu force behind this time, there was no need to endanger them. The ship got to the ice planet easily, Ginyu tried to sneak off the ship, but was as soon as he got to the ship door, he saw Zarbon holding Frieza, awaiting him. “Hurry, we have to get him into a healing unit.”

Zarbon thought Ginyu was there to help, Zarbon walked into the ship and Ginyu stepped out of the ship. “I’m not here for Frieza, I need to take that body, its useful to us.” Ginyu felt the planet shake, it was like massive explosions were going off in the distance, his scouter couldn’t even read how high the power level of the fight was, it was well into the millions.

“Lord Cooler’s orders were that you cannot take a Frost Demon’s body. This is no exception, get in the ship Ginyu.” Ginyu looked back at the ship, surely they couldn’t be upset at the idea of Ginyu taking this body. Ginyu had already seen how Frieza’s family reacted when endangered, they probably would not react well to any outsider who was strong enough to kill them.

Ginyu returned to the ship, and followed Zarbon to the ships two healing units. Zarbon placed Frieza inside as Dodoria joined them. Dodoria started the machine, they had never seen Frieza in this state before, it was unheard of. Ginyu offered to go start the ship while Dodoria and Zarbon watched Frieza, Dodoria surprisingly didn’t mind that Ginyu was with them.

Zarbon and Dodoria kept watch, making sure Frieza stayed in a stable condition. “So Dodoria, you finished with playing Special Ops? Ready to return to Frieza’s side?” Dodoria had once served Frieza as closely as Zarbon, however he moved on to join the Salza Force, wanting to be recognised for his fighting ability.

Dodora looked over at Frieza’s pod. “I don’t know yet, the last two times I have gone on a mission with the Force have ended with me almost dying to some creature, but its just so boring to stand next to Frieza all the time. I’ll join him for this next one, its a special moment, but if I don’t get to toy with something like I did with those Saiyans all those years ago, I’m going straight back to Ginyu or Salza.” Dodoria had eliminated a team of Saiyans shortly before their race was wiped out, it was the last fight he would have for 20 years, he began chasing the joy of combat, the joy of overpowering a strong enemy.

Blice and Coolers fight raged on, the Ice planet was covered in craters and debris, the two stopped, both tired. Blice looked at his hands. “You’re quite the intelligent fighter, not giving me time to transform, its the only thing stopping me from winning here. Although if I did, you would have time to activate your battle mode.” Coolers eyes widened, he hadn’t heard of this battle mode, but if Blice knew that, Cooler would be in trouble.

Cooler relaxed, trying not to express his thoughts. “I don’t need it, I’m actually surprised you know about it, most of our kind is unaware.” Cooler’s father had never mentioned it, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know, King Cold often avoided talking about their race.

Blice laughed at Cooler, the laugh sent chills down his spine. Frost Demons were known to be intimidating, but Blice was something else. “In my time, ALL Frost Demons knew about their battle mode, our fifth transformation, the only temporary transformation we have.” Cooler wondered how he could achieve this form if Blice did manage to transform.

Cooler needed to stall while he tested his muscles to try and find this transformation. “I guess the knowledge was lost when our species brought itself to near extinction, there are only the four of us left, as far as I am aware.” Blice smiled, he liked this information, he knew he was already far stronger than these two, there was only one more that could threaten him.

Blice flew at Cooler, he didn’t want to waste any time here, Cooler put his guard up to protect himself, Blice flew straight passed Cooler, not even trying to hit him. Cooler turned around in time for an energy blast to hit him and knock him down. Blice took this opportunity to start his transformation, Cooler flew at him in desperation, hoping to stop him from achieving his second form.

Dragonball Frost: Episode 28: Evacuate Frieza Planet 79

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