Kaio-What if other characters gained the Kaio-ken?

Early into Dragonball Z we were introduced to the Kaio-Ken, which could multiply Goku’s power briefly, at its maximum, Goku was able to make himself 20 times stronger.

But since Yamcha, Tien and Piccolo were also trained by King Kai, would things have changed had they been taught the Kaio-Ken?

I want to look at each of the other fights that happened to these characters and see how that would have influenced the series. In fact the next arc begins with Yamcha. Had he of been able to use the Kaio-ken (ima just type that as Kaioken from now on), he may have been able to escape from Android 20.

I know you want me to say how Yamcha is useless or a joke and having Kaioken is either impossible for him or wouldn’t be enough to make up for his sheer inability to function as anything more than a crash test dummy, or that he is only even in the series to show off how strong the enemy is by wailing on him, but thats not what I’m here for because thats wrong.

Yes, Yamcha does have that role in the show, as a measurement system for to show how strong the villain is, but that would be absolutely redundant if he wasn’t already a great fighter. Krillin and Tien are the only humans stronger than Yamcha at this point in the series, and considering that he is on par with the Ginyu Force (according to the filler fight) during the Frieza fight and has a power level of roughly 1 million by the Android Saga. Remember that Frieza’s 2nd form was about 1 million, so at this point Yamcha is almost as strong as 2nd form Frieza, which is absolutely no joke.

Android 20 is said to have roughly 90 Million after absorbing Yamcha which means he can’t be less than 89 Million or 80 Million if we are being generous. Which means that Yamcha literally has no chance with Kaioken unless he hits times 80, which isn’t a thing (we aren’t counting the movie where Goku went KKx100). Even if he could hit KKx80, it would probably rip his human body apart.

Our next interaction is Piccolo and Android 20. Piccolo with weights is about 30 Million, and without weights and after losing energy to Android 20, he hits a whopping 155 Million, topping Android 20s powered up state of a mere 140 Million. Even without Kaioken he wins in this situation, however we know that Android 20 gets away and Piccolo would find no need to power up at this point.

Next we have the fight with the Androids where Vegeta gets his arm broken. In this fight, Vegeta and Trunks would still be unable to do much against the Androids but Piccolo with the help of KKx4 would be on par with Android 17, although this would not be enough to stop the duo. Having Tien in this fight would not help considering he is only just over 1 Million.

Enter Cell, our main Villain. Piccolo has fused with Kami, giving him a base power around that of Android 17, at 610 Million. While Cell is at an admirable 580 Million, on par with Android 18. Cells fight with Piccolo would start the same, but thanks to Kaioken, Piccolo would decimate Cell, although as with the actual story, Cell would indeed flee.

Piccolo fighting 17 would greatly favour Piccolo as his ability to use Kaioken to multiply his power would give him a huge advantage in their otherwise close fight, 17 would quickly become too wounded to fight off Cell when he arrived. Although Piccolo would not. Realistically this would be the end of the Cell arc, as Piccolo would decimate Cell before he could get to 17 as a simple KKx3 would give Piccolo a major advantage over Cell.

Piccolo has the advantage of being able to regenerate, making him able to abuse the Kaioken much more, although if Cell managed to absorb 17 in this fight, his power level of 10 Billion would force Piccolo to use KKx20 just to keep up, this would take its toll on Piccolo and he would become worn out.

Before he died, Tien would interrupt, and with each Neo Tri Beam hitting a whopping 1.3 Billion power, combined with a Kaioken x5 or even x10 he would obliterate the wounded Cell. However this would kill Tien to perform. Vegeta, Piccolo and Trunks would quickly mop up the remaining Androids before Goku and Gohan finished training.

This would mean that Goku survived the Arc, and when the Buu arc came around, Goten would be stronger, but SS3 and Fusion wouldn’t be a thing. Because Goku isn’t on a day pass and Gohan is weaker, Vegeta, Goku and Piccolo would prevent Buu being released, without Vegeta demanding he fight Goku.

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